In Cyborg Chameleon Syndication: The Biohackathon to Freedom, each player's goal is to get the chameleon to their side of the hedge maze, like a biological game of football. They do this by biohacking the chameleon to take control of it and direct it to their side.
The player on the left controls the game with the WASD keys, and the player on the right uses the arrow keys.
When the game starts, each player is presented with a list of instructions to follow to biohack the chameleon. The players must race to press the corresponding buttons, and the first to finish takes control of the chameleon.
When a player has control of the chameleon, their goal is to use their controls to navigate it toward their side of the map. While they're doing that, though, the other player will have a new set of biohacking instructions to follow to take back control of the chameleon. While one player is controlling the chameleon, the other is always trying to take back control. The first player to exit the hedge maze on their side wins.